
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

興廃ノスタルジー-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Fate Nostalgia’(興廃ノスタルジー)

土曜日の夕暮れに On a Saturday evening 迷い子が連れ去られた鬼ごっこ Lost child was taken away in a hide-and-seek 五月病の数え歌 Counting song of spring fatigue 待ちぼうけを食らった影法師 Shadow got stood up 見つめてた、眼球を。 The eyeballs, I looked at. 曖昧な感傷が酷く鈍く黒く散った Vague sentimentality spread very slowly in black 見つめてる、眼球が。 The eyeballs, are looking. 放課後 みんな楽しそうです After school, everyone seems to be having fun ボクは透明になる I become invisible 慣れた1人でも心は痛くて探し続けた Though I'm used to being alone, I keep searching 'cause my heart hurts 2人だけの居残り 怒らず叱ってよ Only the two stayed after school, don't get mad, tell me off 寂しそうな横顔は君の群青 The lonely looking profile is your ultramarine 初めて指繋いで 吐息混ざる距離 The first time our fingers interlaced, a distance where our breath mix 真っ赤なチョークで描いた相合傘 Drew an umbrella with a red chalk 曖昧な感傷を見つめてる、眼球が。 The eyeballs, are looking at the vague sentimentality. 泣き叫んだ生徒が死に場所を探す Crying student searches for a place to die 想い、カバン投げ捨て 東へ向かう Throws away his memories and bag and heads to the east 焼け爛れたフィルムの君は笑わない You're not smiling in the burnt film こびりつく染み残した 愛し日々よ O, precious days left by stubborn stain 暗い階段のぼる I climb up the stairs 鼓動が耳を塞いでいた Heartbeat covers my ears しゃがれた月よ照らせ O hoarse moon, shine 僕を憶い出すように So that I'll be remembered

