
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Can't stop MAD teens. -コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Can't stop MAD teens. ’

Wating for...幸せを願う 追い風を待つ Waiting for... We wish for happiness and wait for a tailwind 偶然も必然も関係ない「楽しければそれでいい。」 Doesn't matter if it's a coincidence or destiny. 'As long as we're having fun, that's all that matters.' 過ちと言われてもまだ止められはしない We won't stop even this is a mistake 若さ故のソレだと言ったら大人も黙るだろ Will the adults shut up if I say it's because of youth コソコソするのは性に合ってない Being sneaky isn't my thing 満たされないのは仕様がない It can't be helped that I'm not satisfied そうやって好き勝手 責任転嫁なんとなく生きてきた I've been living aimlessly, behaving selfishly and shifting responsibilities 15億回の制限それなら1回分も無駄にはできないね If there's a limit of 1.5 billion, we can't afford to even waste a single one ぶっ飛んだ解釈 それさえも武器に変え Turn even the wild interpretation into a weapon Go your way. Good luck. Go your way. Good luck. 威勢だけのいいアウトロー風情 Outlaws who are all talk 都合のいい言葉の選択肢 Choices of convenient words 「一度きりの人生を謳歌しよう。謳歌しよう。」 'Make the most of our one and only life. Our one and only life.' そうやって生きてくことしかできないね 来た道すら覚えてないね That's the only way we can live, not even remembering the path we've taken そりゃ結構 どうなったって知らないよ? Well, that's fine. I don't care what happened ビビってばっかじゃつまんない 僕ら自由だったはずさ本来 It's no fun just being afraid all the time, We were supposed to be free, after all モラルって言ったって結局統計論で In the end, morals are all about statistics 現実に堅実にって 挫折って言う名の後悔 Be realistic, regret that is called failure 精々指を咥えて眺めてりゃいい Just sit back and watch Just you wait!! Just you wait!! I mean it... I mean it... Bring it on!! Bring it on!! やったれ!! 「いっせえのせ」でGo!! Go for it!! 'Ready, set' and Go!! 笑えや泣けや 後戻り禁物だって You may laugh or cry, but no turning back 引っ張って 調子のって Lead the way, get carried away So ハメ外しちゃって 絶望すら笑い飛ばせ Let loose, and laugh off despair Gonna be all right. Gonna be all right. 威勢だけのいいアウトロー風情 Outlaws who are all talk 都合のいい言葉の選択肢 Choices of convenient words 「一度きりの人生を謳歌しよう。謳歌しよう。」 'Make the most of our one and only life. Our one and only life.' そうやって生きてくことしかできないね 来た道すら覚えてないね That's the only way we can live, not even remembering the path we've taken そりゃ結構 どうなったって知らないよ? Well, that's fine. I don't care what happened だって後戻りは頭になくて 'Cause I've never thought of turning back でもホントは少し怖くて 目の前の誘惑に脅えてる But I'm honestly a little scared, the temptation right before my eyes is frightening me それでも聞き分けないからまた繰り返す Yet I don't understand, so I repeat again Now you know. Now you know. I'm bloody scum. I'm a bloody scum. Wating for...幸せを願う 追い風を待つ Waiting for... We wish for happiness and wait for a tailwind 偶然も必然も関係ない「楽しければそれでいい。」 Doesn't matter if it's a coincidence or destiny. 'As long as we're having fun, that's all that matters.' 過ちと言われてもまだ止められはしない We won't stop even this is a mistake 若さ故のソレだと言ったら大人も黙るだろ Will the adults shut up if I say it's because of youth

