
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

DYSTOPIA-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


「なんで」なんて言い出したって Even if you ask 'why' Dig Dug Dug oh...キリ無いな Dig Dug Dug oh... It's never-ending つべこべ言うのなら好きにしちゃえば If you're gonna keep whining, just do whatever you want ほらねザマ無えな Look, how pathetic 喰らっちゃったってベソかいて You took a hit and are whining それくらいの覚悟ならしてたんだろ? But you were ready for at least that much, weren't you? 決まっていたって 取るに足らない 'I've decided' means nothing これは運命 オカルトならララバイ This is life, sing lullaby if it feels occult じっとしていざ最期を迎えれば If you sit quietly as the end approaches 無かった事にしてと 泣き喚くだけでしょ You'll cry and scream, wishing it never happened だったら嘘で飾る生き方に何を求め何を問う If so, what do you seek and what do you question in a life adorned with lies 願っても祈っても終わりは来るから 'Cause no matter how much you wish or pray, the end will come 死に方さえ選べない未来なら If a future comes where you can't even choose how to die 今のうちに失望感に慣れとけば? Why not get used to disappointment? それからと言えば As for that まあチクタクタク時は経って Well, time ticks by 相変わらずのようで Just the same as always やっぱりそれがお似合いだよ After all, that suits you well 今に無自覚が もうだんだんと巣食って Unconsciousness is gradually taking root ほら真似れば救われた?やっぱね Look, did imitation save you? I knew it だったら嘘で飾る生き方に答えを押し付けないで If so, don't impose your answer on the life adorned with lies 願っても祈っても終わりは同じさ No matter how much you wish or pray, the end is the same 紛い物に踊らされ掴み損ねた敗者は Losers misled by imitations and lost their chances 失望感を味わえば? Why not have a taste of disappointment? So ever嘘で飾る生き方に悔いは無いと言い切ってもそんなの嘘だろ So even if you insist that you have no regret in the life adorned with lies, that's still a lie, isn't it 終わりに怯えて 死に方さえ選べない未来なら If a future comes where you hold nothing but fear of the end and can't even choose how to die 今のうちに失望感に抗えば? Why not resist disappointment when you still can?

