
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Dear-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


肌寒い風 夜の帳が下りた心も虚しくて The chilly wind blows, leaving my darkened heart hollow 遠くに陰る空 The distant sky growing dark 君の笑顔に魅せられて Is fascinated by your smile 光り輝く幾千の星 I found you その中で君を見つけた Amongst thousands of brightly shining stars あれからどれくらい時が経つだろう I wonder how long it has been since then ずっと好きでいて何日目? How many days have I been in love with you? 数え切れる絆が欲しくて切ない Wishing for measurable bonds makes my heart aches 君が溢れ出す You overwhelm my mind これが恋なんだとか Doesn't matter if this is affection これが愛なんだとか If this is love どこが好きとかはどうでもよくて Or what I like about you ただ君が好きで君のそばにいたい I adore you and I wanna be with you そんな自分も好きなんだろうな Guess I like that part of who I am too 愛おしくて苦しい 君を想う度に It's endearing yet hurting every time I think of you 会いたいだとかわがままな気持ちを抱いたって So I have the selfish thought of wanting to meet you いつだって 'Cause I always 君の幸せだけを一番に願う Wish for your happiness more than anything Wish forever Wish for forever つまり僕らは何億通りの可能性の中で出会った In other words, we met amongst billions of possibilities これからいつまで伝えられるかな I wonder until when can I let you know this ずっと不器用で臆病で I'm always all thumbs and cowardly 時に君を傷付けた And sometimes hurt you それでも守りたい But I still wanna protect you 君を何度でも Again and again 愛してるよ君のそばにいるよ I love you, I'm with you 遠くにいても話せなくても Even if we're far apart and can't talk to each other 想い続けるよ君を愛した日々 I'll keep cherishing the days I spent loving you この気持ちを永遠と呼ぼう I shall name this feeling eternal I wish forever I wish for forever 恋なんだとか Doesn't matter if this is affection これが愛なんだとか If this is love どこが好きとかはどうでもよくて Or what I like about you ただ君が好きで君のそばにいたい I adore you and I wanna be with you そんな自分に出会えてよかった Glad that I got to meet that part of me 愛おしくて苦しい 君を想う度に It's endearing yet hurting every time I think of you 会いたいだとかわがままな気持ちを抱いたって I have the selfish thought of wanting to meet you いつだって 'Cause I always 君の幸せだけを一番に願う Wish for your happiness more than anything Wish forever Wish for forever

